DevOps Model

DevOps Model


The DevOps model is an innovative approach to making and running software. It brings together the groups that create the software (e.g., app developers) and those who maintain it (operations), making them work together better. It involves not just using certain tools or ways of working, but a way of thinking that focuses on teamwork, quick delivery, and constant desire for improvement.

The increase in the use of mobile apps and cloud-based productivity tools has led to an exponential rise in potential issues with software or applications. As such, people in operations must quickly communicate any customer concerns to the development team so the latter can maintain user satisfaction by providing prompt updates or building an entirely new version of the app. 

In essence, the core principles of DevOps include:

  • Breaking down silos. Development and operations teams work side-by-side throughout the software lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing, deployment, and monitoring. This fosters understanding, empathy, and shared ownership.
  • Automation. Repetitive tasks are automated using tools and scripts, freeing up time for creativity and problem-solving. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines automate testing, building, and deployments, enabling faster releases and updates.
  • Feedback loop. Monitoring and feedback from operations are readily available to developers, allowing them to learn from failures and iterate quickly. This shortens the learning cycle and leads to more reliable and resilient software.
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