Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices that can exchange data among themselves and with an Internet-based system called the cloud. 

Devices ranging from everyday objects to industrial machinery leverage technology such as sensors, processors, and communication hardware to collect and send data to, from, and within their environments.

IoT enables people to monitor the state of their business or organization, even if their assets are far away. This seamless, automated data transfer fosters efficiency across various industries and endeavors. Among the many sectors that benefit from IoT are:

  • Manufacturing. Industrial IoT (IIoT) devices monitor machine performance, detect equipment failures, and optimize production processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing downtime. IIoT is integral to smart manufacturing, connecting assets for preventive maintenance and improving digital supply chains.
  • Healthcare. IoT devices facilitate remote patient monitoring, collecting real-time vital sign data for early detection of health issues. IoT also aids in tracking medical equipment, managing inventory, and ensuring medication compliance, contributing to improved patient care.
  • Retail. In the retail sector, IoT devices help track customer behavior, optimize inventory management, and enhance store layouts. Sensors analyze foot traffic, allowing retailers to optimize product placement and create a personalized customer experience.
  • Agriculture. IoT devices monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop growth, enabling precision agriculture. Sensors measure moisture content for optimal irrigation, while livestock health and supply chains can be managed efficiently with IoT.


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