FARMap web app image


iOS/Android/Web App
Farmap Mobile App Banner

FARMap allows the user to map their farm and record all paddock and livestock treatments on their phone, tablet or computer, all linked together. By recording all livestock movements and treatments as well as all paddock treatments into FARMap, you have on record all the information needed to create reports for quality assurance purposes.

CategoryiOS, Android, Web App
app store google real
app store
admin ajax
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Project Team


Alma Samuela

GM Production
Francis Gamad

Francis Sergio Cerio

Android Developer
Skye Kizilcik

Skye Kizilcik

Client Success Manager
Anne Gacer

Anne Gacer

Web Developer
Rey Cerio

Rey Cerio

iOS Developer
Iazell Raper

Iazell Raper

Web Developer

Inaki Narciso

iOS Developer
Adonis Dumadapat

Adonis Dumadapat

iOS Developer

Michael Lau

Product Manager
Jayson Salinas

Jayson Salinas

Project Manager
Blair Baldomero

Blair Baldomero

Web Developer
Aljon Cordenete

Aljon Cordenete

Android Developer

Girah Chua

Project Manager
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