Climate change, environment, poverty; We all want to help but feel powerless. Andre realised that by showing people the direct impact of their actions, a collective movement could take place.
Good Empire is a social video challenge app that encourages direct action on 17 unique missions in nine years to help people and planet. Each mission is based on the UN Sustainability goals for effective change.
André took this dream to the crowdfunding site Birchal. With the amazing concept and the Appetiser prototype design in hand, Good Empire has gone on to inspire over a thousand like-minded investors to take action of their own. So far, the startup has raised over $1 million, without a need for any development.
Tens of thousands of users have already been brought on board, yet the app is not just targeting the individual. Organisations are waking up to the impact that positive action can bring to their team culture as well as the planet, with dozens of famous brands joining the cause. Good Empire has engineered a strong and scalable model that is generating traction, status and results, fast. A model that’s critical to the success of any social platform.
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