
Jesus Carmelo Arguelles

Jesus Carmelo Arguelles

Jesus Carmelo Arguelles, aka Mel, is a Content Marketing Specialist by profession. Though he holds a bachelor's degree in business administration, he also took courses in fields like computer troubleshooting and data analytics. He also has a wealth of experience in content writing, marketing, education, and customer support.

Posts by Jesus Carmelo Arguelles

How Hard Is It to Make an App in 2025 for Non-Techie Founders?

You want to build an app for your business but don’t know where to start. You’re in the right place. With hundreds of founders and entrepreneurs consulting with our product strategists on the best course to take about their app development project, I understand how cumbersome it is to explore mobile app development if you

A 6-Step Guide to a Safe and Secure Healthcare App Development

Imagine healing at the push of a button. As of now, that’s only possible in science fiction series like Star Trek. But healthcare apps have come pretty close to making this miracle a reality. If you’re considering building a mobile app, you can make healthcare more accessible to doctors and patients. This can improve the
Image of a team working on a healthcare app
QTAABM: A person asking his business mentor some questions

Key Questions to Ask a Business Mentor for the Best Insights

Did you know that Steve Jobs sought the help of Silicon Valley experts as early as 12 years old? Yes, Jobs boldly asked Hewlett-Packard founder Bill Hewlett for some spare parts. As you can see, even a kid can approach someone more knowledgeable for help. Likewise, you can benefit from a mentor-mentee relationship. But there

How to Find a Business Mentor to Save Time and Money

In most major economies, around 50% surveyed don’t start a business for fear of failure. And I don’t blame them. After all, it can be scary to waste time and resources setting up or growing your business. That’s why savvy business owners seek mentors. Whether you’re an actual or budding business owner, read this article
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HTHAUD: UX designers assembling the elements of a mock user interface

How to Hire a UX Designer That Best Suits Your Needs

The face of the user experience (UX) designer has changed with the times. The combination of digital transformation and the ballooning of e-commerce has turned the world into a single market, tightening competition for customers. To grab people’s attention or sell products, the UX designer must go beyond crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites and

Customer Acquisition vs Customer Retention: Striking the Balance

Building customer relationships is a tightrope walk. In business, you must strike the balance between customer acquisition and customer retention. Customer acquisition involves finding and attracting new customers through intense marketing campaigns, while customer retention deals with nurturing existing customers to encourage repeat business. Both are crucial for long-term success. To know how important they
CAVCR: Two people shaking hands over a table filled with charts and graphs
PMP: Two cubes with illustrations of product boxes and bar charts

The Product Management Process: 4 Easy and Digitally-Powered Steps

With dozens of ways to create or enhance a product, choosing the right method can be challenging. The issue becomes more complex when you consider the fact that it can be difficult to choose the right product idea from a myriad of conflicting options. But there’s a way out of the fog. Read this article

Key Mobile App Industry Statistics in 2025 and Why They Matter

You’ve probably heard the global mobile app industry market was worth around $240 billion in 2023. But what does this figure mean for you? Headline figures like the one above don’t make much sense if you are unaware of their relevance and impact. Can you turn such industry insights into a strategy for success? What
MTVAT: A developer using a computer to test software

Manual Testing vs Automated Testing: Pros, Cons, and Use Cases

Automated software testing sounds way better than manual, right? Well, not exactly. Despite the speed, scale, and cost advantages of automation testing, there are still cases where the manual assessment of software quality and performance is beneficial. Read on to learn which scenarios best suit manual testing and which ones are ideal for automated testing.

How to Prioritize Product Features: Avoid Mistakes, Unlock Success

Okay, imagine you’re in charge of developing a new product that will take the world by storm. Exciting isn’t it? That is until multiple voices start playing tug-of-war in your head about what a good product should be. You have your bosses, your clients, developers, and sales staff, all asserting they have the right answer.
HTPPF: A person writing something on a product box
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