
Jane Eslabra

Jane Eslabra

Jane Eslabra has 14+ years of experience producing content across traditional and digital platforms. She channels her strong passion for fostering tech startup growth through knowledge sharing.

Posts by Jane Eslabra
AVI: handshake

Accelerator vs Incubator: Which Is Best for Your Startup Funding and Growth?

If you’re a passionate entrepreneur with a brilliant, game-changing idea, you might have asked questions like: Where do I start? How do I find the right mentors? Where can I get the funding to turn my idea into a reality? How can I quickly scale my business to compete in a crowded market? These are

Submitting an App to the App Store: A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the Strictest App Marketplace

Submitting your app to the Apple App Store is a significant milestone but also a rigorous process. With over 1.8 million apps available in 2023, Apple maintains high standards to ensure only the best make it through. In fact, approximately 1.7 million apps were rejected in 2022 due to various reasons ranging from minor glitches
SAATTAS: App Store icon
MAS: smartphone with security logo

Mobile App Security: A Must-Know Guide for Keeping Your App and Users Safe

I’ve always been paranoid about sharing my personal data. Call it cautious or skeptical, but I always hesitate before clicking “agree” on lengthy privacy policies. Then, along came the pandemic, flipping my world upside down and forcing me into the digital realm like never before. Suddenly, apps became my lifeline for everything from grocery shopping

Frontend vs Backend Development: 5 Key Differences You Should Know

As I was scrolling through the latest newsletters from TechCrunch in my inbox, I couldn’t help but feel the buzz of excitement. It’s clear we’re living in a thrilling era for businesses. Modern technology is breaking down barriers, allowing even small players to compete globally. However, despite these opportunities, many small businesses face challenges due
FVBD: sample coding scenario
CTPAA: smartphone with app icons

How Much Does It Cost to Publish an App on Major App Stores?

You’ve put endless hours and resources into creating an amazing mobile app. Now, it’s primed and ready to hit the market. But before you take that leap, you’re probably wondering: What’s the price tag for getting my app out there? If you find yourself asking this question, you’re on the right track. It’s crucial to

5 Thumbs Up-Worthy Web App Design Examples to Spark Creativity and Inspiration

Your web application’s design is like a handshake. It’s the first impression that can make or break the user experience. Users decide whether they like your app or not in less time than it takes to blink. That’s right, within a mere 0.05 seconds of landing on your app, they’ve already formed an opinion. And
WADE: app design sketches

How to Find Software Developers for Startups

Talent is the lifeblood of most tech startups. From the bustling streets of Silicon Valley to the emerging tech hubs scattered across continents, the quest for exceptional minds knows no limits. And with technology moving faster than ever, the demand for talent is skyrocketing. According to a Deloitte study, 86% of companies say they struggle

The Ultimate Guide on How to Hire a Front-End Developer in 2024

Technology is always changing, and so are people’s expectations. Whether you’re a small business or a big company, having efficient web applications or websites (or both) is key to success. In 2023, 71% of businesses have a website and a new one is built every 3 seconds. Front-end development is expected to be even more
HTHAFED: interview scenario
An image of App Store on a mobile device

App Store Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide to Increase App Downloads

Increasing app visibility is like climbing Mt. Everest — an uphill journey requiring preparation, grit, and strategy. It’s because the app store is a fiercely competitive market. Imagine there are 3.55 million Android apps in the Google Play Store and about 1.6 million iOS apps in the Apple App Store. App visibility in major app

Explore the Appverse: A List of the Mobile App Stores in 2024

You’ve poured countless hours into developing your app, fine-tuning every feature and polishing every detail. Now, it’s time to unleash your creation upon the world. But where do you begin? Which app store offers the best opportunities for visibility, engagement, and monetization? In this blog post, you’ll discover platforms where you can publish your mobile
MAS: tablet with app store interface
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