
Jane Eslabra

Jane Eslabra

Jane Eslabra has 14+ years of experience producing content across traditional and digital platforms. She channels her strong passion for fostering tech startup growth through knowledge sharing.

Posts by Jane Eslabra
MMT: hands holding an ipad

7 Biggest Mobile Marketing Trends That Will Level Up Your Business

Nearly 4 out of 5 consumers shop using their mobile devices. Can you imagine where your business will be if you can capture even less than a quarter of that population? Mobile marketing is a catalyst of success for any business today. As of 2023, a staggering 6.92 billion people — or 85.74 % of

Designing App Interfaces: 6 Tips for a Smashing User Experience (+ Examples)

Have you ever seen a design so bad that all you can do after is make a facepalm 🤦and say: Source: Know Your Meme A poor app interface design is just like that. But while you may find the image above amusing, the same can’t be said for a lousy interface. According to studies: 57%
AI: mobile app interface sketches
UDFA: hands and tablet with sample design sketch

UX Design for Apps: 5 Key Insights Every Startup Should Know

User experience (UX) design is critical for any business with an app, a mobile website, or any other digital platform. For web and mobile apps, UX design can spell the difference between user retention and churn and revenue and loss. An Amazon Web Services study found that 88% of consumers are less likely to return

How In-App Ads Can Propel Your Mobile App’s Success (2023)

Starting a mobile app business can be equally rewarding and daunting. In some cases, it can also be pocket-draining. Depending on the complexity and features you envision, building an app can cost between $40,000 to $300,000. Fortunately, there are numerous proven ways to generate revenue for apps. One of which is through in-app advertising. Find
IAA: sample in-app ad
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9 Best Strategies for Marketing Your Small Business

This article was written by a guest author. Top-notch marketing is crucial in today’s ultra-competitive app business landscape. With 48% of small businesses owning an app and 27% more planning to build one, the app development space is about to become even more crowded. Applying the best app marketing strategies is a must to stay

Frictionless First-Time Use: Turn New App Users Into Habitual Users With These 4 Atomic Habits-Inspired Best Practices

“To create good habits, you must make them obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying” — James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. What makes social media apps irresistible? If you ask me, it’s because they understand the fundamentals of human behavior. Think about it. What do you do the minute you hear the cue indicating you have
FTU: blocks with happy and sad face drawings
AM: hands holding a smartphone and credit card

5 Proven Mobile App Monetization Models to Generate Revenue (2024)

The coming year and beyond offer a lot of exciting opportunities to mobile app businesses and entrepreneurs. Industry analysts expect the global mobile app industry to generate more than $935 billion in revenue by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.5%. Source: SerpWatch If you want a fair share of the lucrative market,

Keep Users Hooked: The Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Retention

Let’s get one thing out in the open. Mobile app retention is not a walk in the park. Many downloaded apps end up as another unused icon on most cell phone screens — until app users decide to free up their phone’s memory and hit “uninstall.” This is a hard pill to swallow for app
AR: finger tapping an icon
AE: person using a smartphone

5 Biggest Mobile App Engagement Pitfalls to Avoid in 2024

At last! After months of coding, developing, and refining, you’ve finally launched your mobile app. Things looked promising on day one. Your user acquisition rate was within your industry’s benchmark. Other mobile app metrics also appeared to be on track. Then came day two. Within 24 hours, your user retention rate fell by more than

How Do Free Apps Make Money in 2024? (With Examples)

How do Free Apps Make Money? We know the secret. Read our expert guide to learn the most efficient ways to make money from apps.
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